Institute of Transport Science and Techonology

Functions and Tasks

Functions and Tasks
§Carrying out scientific research and technology development for serving State Management of MOT in the field of infrastructure construction, Transport operation, environmental protection and traffic safety.
§Working out annual and long-term plans of scientific-technological research and technology development of ITST in line with objective programs of MOT and the State
§Implementing scientific studies in form of regular plans, direct assignments or in kind of selection options.
§Working out special technical standards, technical procedures and norms in the transportation sector; issuing and preparing basic standards in the fields where Vietnam standards and sector standards have been not available, forreference of Investors, Contractors and Manufacturers to apply in the particular programs, projects which are allowed by MOT.
§Development of scientific and technical projects in the fields of Constructions, construction materials, Electronics-Informatics, Transportation mechanics, transportation construction protection, environmental protection, traffic safety and traffic safety approval.
§Conducting and coordinately conducting training course of special human resource development in the fields of Transportation Science and Technology to tasks assigned by MOT and State; improvement of professional and skills in the field of Transportation for Laboratorial technicians, inspectors and project managers.Implementing international cooperation activities relating to scientific research, technology transfer in the fields assigned to ITST in line with regulations of law.
§Implementing scientific-technologicalservices and consulting services for rehabilitation projects with application ofadvanced technologies, new materials, new structures and other constructionsrequiring high-technologies; setting up joint-ventures,association for implementing or taking part in bidding for transport construction projects in line with regulations of law.

Author: admin

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